Vanguard Instruments | A Doble company
The Vanguard Auto-Ohm 10 is a 10-ampere battery powered micro-ohmmeter designed for low-resistancemeasuring
applications such as the measurement of resistance in circuit breaker contacts, bushing contact
joints, and welding joints. The unit is powered by four 3400mAh, 3.7Vdc Li-Ion rechargeable batteries. With
these high capacity batteries, up to 2,900 tests per charge (10A/2 second duration) can be performed in the
field. The Auto-Ohm 10 features a built-in charger that can charge the batteries when the unit is not in use.
The Auto-Ohm 10 features a rotary knob that is used to select either the “Contact Resistance” or “Transformer
Resistance” test mode. The unit's back-lit LCD screen (128 x 64 pixels) is viewable in both direct sunlight
and low light level. Resistance readings are displayed on the LCD screen in micro-ohms, milliohms, or ohms.
The “Contact Resistance” mode can measure resistance values from 1 micro-ohm to 5,000 Ohms. The user can
select from 6 different test currents: 1mA, 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 5A, 10A. The user can also choose from 6 test times:
1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 60 sec. Up to three tests can be pre-configured with any combination of these
parameters and executed with a single push of the control switch.